We all grow better when we do it together.
Our courses include a little bit of magic and a whole lot of:
+ SPACIOUSNESS - a blank canvas to dream, reflect, question, laugh, and grow
+ DEEP CONNECTION + FRIENDSHIP with yourself and other hilarious mamas
+ STORYTELLING - the mundane, the deep, and everything in between
+ CREATIVITY/ INSPIRATION - how to express ourselves, through art and/or writing
+ REST, DANCE & PLEASURE - this is hard, we know
+ REWILDING - explore charting new courses
+ SIMPLICITY - keep shit super simple
+ BLOOMING IN COMMUNITY - go further being a team player
+ COURAGE TO REVOLUTIONIZE what motherhood looks like, question the old and imagine the new, feel the freedom to start
+ RITUAL & CEREMONY - get ready to celebrate
*** POSSIBLE SIDE EFFECTS: Personal growth, belly laughter, being truly seen, sisterhood, monologues, clarity, epiphanies, lucid dreaming, soul medicine, psychic powers, and occasionally total enlightenment- too much?
6 x Weekly Modules to grow wild.
+ Fun weekly questions challenges and prizes.
+ Bonus material (e.g. writing, self-care routines, yin yoga series, etc)
+ A crazy supportive community of mamas living across the world with insights to share with you for many years to come
Grow Wild 6 Week Course
Part sanctuary + part virtual studio, this light + delightful offering is your chance to dip your toe into the Mother Wild community regularly, each month.
Mother Wild Community
“This community has helped me find sisterhood with some really incredible humans, the sessions are so great, connecting us with our inner voices and giving us clear time to really focus on our own needs. I love that this 'Me Time' is carved out so that I can prioritise it, it's life saving sometimes!"
- Community member, Judith.
A fun, intimate, 9-month-long course for mothers by mothers. We’ll give you mental support to cheer you on and give you a little kick off the edge… with tons of mattresses on the other side.
Wild Mamastermind
“I didn't even know what I was missing, I was so ‘curled in’.... when I compare myself now, to myself a year ago... I was just living so limited in what I thought was possible for me. I feel like I've unfurled and realised those doors of possibility were never closed, I'd just ‘thought’ they were!”
- Mamastermind Participant, Lucy